Last week, Tailors’ Keep began its fourth year. It had sneaked up on me so fast that I ended up finding out that we had passed the 3 year milestone via a slew of supportive LinkedIn notifications.
I remember feeling energized, green, and wide-eyed in our first year, scared out-of-my-mind and self-doubtful the second year, pleasantly surprised and extremely grateful in the third year, and just reflective and forward reaching in this current new year.
When it comes down to it, we’ve learned how to be comfortable in our own skin - knowing what works for us and the amazing individuals who we serve daily. This is never about us and how great we’re aspiring to be - sure, being the best is always the goal, but we couldn’t ever get to the place we’re in without just doing what’s right and best for everyone who walks in our door.
Your support is humbling and a daily reminder that what we’ve been able to build is 100% because you trusted us when we were nothing but a mere pop-up shop with no collateral or online presence. All we had was a vision and intrinsic obligation to make beautiful clothing in an approachable, non-intimidating way.
This year, our fourth, that just began, will be full of surprises, I’m sure. But most notably, we intend on growing up a bit - expanding our product offering, our square footage, and our team. We strive to never settle or become complacent in how we create or serve. You all have built this alongside of us and we’ll never forget that.
Cheers with love,